Access with others

Access with others

  1. This feature enables you to know who has access to the folder.

    • Related Articles

    • Sharing file through Email or User Name

      Choose the file you wish to share. Click the share icon. Enter the name of the employee you'd like to share the file with in the search box or their email.
    • Add New User

      1. Choose users from the list. 2. Add new user. 3. Enter user information (username, email, password...etc.).
    • Add a User to a Group

      Select users from the list. Active users. Modify the user data.
    • Permissions

      Once you click on the user's name, the folder will be shared. When you click on the settings tab (• • •), you can adjust the user's permissions or revoke the sharing.
    • Internal Link

      Choose the internal link you want to share within the facility and copy the link by clicking on the icon (The link only works for users who have access to the folder)