Redesign the employee profile

Redesign the employee profile

The employee profile has been completely redesigned, to display the following information:

1. Display of scheduled shift hours, employee check-in and check-out times

2. Employee Monthly Summary

This summary provides an overview of the employee's attendance throughout the month, including attendance days, absences, working hours, lateness, and remaining remote work hours.

3. Employee Weekly Summary

It provides a summary of the employee's attendance throughout the week, including attendance, submitted requests and leaves, the status of attendance proof requests, and log of attendance attempts.

4. The log reflects information about the employee's check-in\out attempts. This makes it easier to identify the area where the employee checked in\out (red if the attempt was outside the assigned location, green if the location is correct)

  • From the top menu, go to Attendance.
  • From the side menu, select Employees.
  • Select one of the employees and click on view 

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